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Fall 2024


Book of Acts

"The Way-A study through the book of Acts"

by Stephanie Burmeister 

In the first century, believers in Jesus belonged to "The Way," which was considered a sect of Judaism.


We shall look to Jesus as The Way, not only to the Father, but also as the perfect example of the way of truth and the way of life we are to follow.


May God open up to us "the way" of His kingdom as we study the book of Acts!

Teacher: Stephanie

Psalm 23

"A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23"

by Phillip Keller   

Psalm 23 is a favorite passage in the Bible, memorized by many. 


This semester we will be studying each line in this Psalm.  We will learn how each line can transform our lives and the way we think about the Good Shepherd.  We will walk with David and the object lessons he provides for us to understand how incredibly awesome our God is in our daily lives. 


Experience Psalm 23 in a new way and see with the Shepherd's eyes and touch - our Great Shepherd and the sheep of His pastures.

Teacher: Annette

Experiencing God
“Experiencing God:  Knowing and Doing the Will of God"
by Henry and Richard Blackaby with Claude King

Jesus said that He came so people just like us could experience the abundant life. He didn’t die on the cross so we “could get by” or “hang in there” or “just do okay”.  He wants us to walk so closely with Him that His joy overflows in our lives.  He wants us to know Him so well that His peace guards our heart and mind regardless of what troubles we face.

If this is your first time “Experiencing God” or your fourth time, God will speak to you through His message!

Take a moment to ask God to open your spiritual understanding so you can see what He has for you.


Teacher: Ann


"The Pursuit of Holiness"

by Jerry Bridges

"Be holy, for I am holy," commands God to His people.  But what does that look like in everyday life?
Because of grace we don't have to earn our salvation... but sometimes that leaves us wondering what our part in Holiness should be.

In this spiritual growth classic, Jerry Bridges past resident of navigators, helps us see clearly just what we should rely on God to do--and where we need to accept responsibility. 


Whether you are just beginning your pursuit of Holiness or continuing your journey, these timeless principles and guidelines will challenge you to joyfully obey God's command of holiness.


Teacher: Becci

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